Jaeyong Jung (M.S. Candidate, Researcher @ LG Innotek)
Repository Commit History
Full Bio Sketch
Mr. Jung is now with LG Innotek as product engineer, developing camera actuator tester process. He received his B.S. degree in Electronics Engineering in 2019 and completed his master's degree in 2021 at Kyungpook National University, Daegu, Republic of Korea. His research interests are high-speed, intelligent, optimized disturbance-robust automatic control systems.
Research Topic
In an embedded system in an edge environment, when the MCU's firmware is decided, the contents do not change until a person directly updates it. PID control is a commonly used control technique to control actuators in embedded systems. However, this PID control is not updated when the PID coefficients are determined by the actual PID controller. Therefore, the response characteristics of the system may differ from the initially designed response characteristics due to unexpected disturbances. Therefore, techniques for updating these PID control factors at runtime and outputting system response characteristics close to the initial design response should be studied. In the Intelligent Robust Output System, the PID coefficients were updated at runtime to maintain robust output control in spite of disturbances, and the system response characteristics also maintained the initial design value.
Journal Publicaiton
Conference Presenation (Intl. 2)
Jaeyong Jung, Jeounghun Cho, Daejin Park. Energy-Efficient Signal Processors with Silent Mirror Tracer for Long-Term Activity Monitoring In The International Conference on Dependable, Autonomic and Secure Computing (DASC) 2019, 2019.
Jaeyong Jeong and Daejin Park. Intelligent Microcontroller using Runtime Coefficient Update Techniques for Disturbance Robust Output Control In IEEE ICEIC 2023, 2023.
Participation in International Conference
IEEE DASC 2019, Fukuoka, Japan
IEEE ICEIC 2023, Singapore, Singapore