Joural Paper Publications
Jisu Kwon and Daejin Park*.
MAIL: Micro-Accelerator-in-the-Loop Framework for MCU Integrated
Accelerator Peripheral Fast Prototyping (SCI) Applied Sciences, 15(3):1056-1070, 2025.
Seunghyun Park and Daejin Park*.
Optimization of Output Activation Sparsity in AI AcceleratorUsing
Bit-Separable Multiplier (KCI) IEMEK Journal of Embedded Systems and Applications, 2025.
Seunghyun Park and Daejin Park*.
Bit-Separable Multiplier in CNN Accelerator: Analyzing Partial
Results for Post-Optimization (VLSI Top Flagship Journal, SCI) (Under
Revision) IEEE Micro, 45(1), 2025.
Janghun Lee and Daejin Park*.
Fast Embedded Software Management based on Dynamic Partial Update
Techniques for Intermittent Embedded Systems (KCI) (Under Review) Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication
Engineering, 2025.
Sunghoon Hong and Daejin Park*.
ML-based Fast and Precise Target Docking of Autonomous Mobile Robots
for Intelligent Transportation Systems using 2D LiDAR (SCI) (Under
Revision) IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2025.
Myeongjin Kang and Daejin Park*.
Flexible Edge-AI Software Execution Architecture based on
Cloud-Connected Incremental Learning (SCI) (Under Review) IEEE Access, 2025.
Dongkyu Jung and Daejin Park*.
Optimizing Data Access for Accelerators Lightweight Convolutional
Neural Network Algorithm Structure (SCI) (Under Review) IEEE Access, 2025.
Heuijee Youn and Daejin Park*.
S3A-NPU: A High-Performance Hardware Accelerator for Spiking
Self-Supervised Learning with Dynamic Adaptive Memory Optimization (SCI)
(Under Review) IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI)
Systems, 2025.
Semyoung Oh and Daejin Park*.
Metaheuristic Algorithm based Antenna Selection Collaborative
Beamforming for Remote Sensors (SCI) (Under Review) IET Electronics Letters, 2025.
Sunghoon Hong and Daejin Park*.
On-Chip Realization of Efficient Lane Departure Warning Systems
using Inverse Perspective Transformation and Machine Learning-based Lane
Detection (SCI) (Under Revision) IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 2025.
Joonghyun An and Daejin Park*.
Adaptive Active Noise Canceller with Binary Search-based Coefficient
Compensation Accelerator for Low-Power Lightweighted Microcontrollers (SCI)
(On Writing) Electronics, 2025.
Dongkyu Lee and Daejin Park*.
On-Cloud Code Streaming-based Firmware Partial Update for Embedded
Edge Devices (SCI) (Under Review) IEEE Access, 2025.
Heuijee Yun and Daejin Park*.
Low-Power Lane Detection Unit with Sliding-based Parallel Segment
Detection Accelerator for Lightweighted Automotive Microcontrollers (SCI) IEEE Access, 12:4339-4353, 2024.
Seungmin Lee and Daejin Park*.
LSTM-based Post-processing for Noise Reduction in SVD-based
Particulate Matter Digital Twinning on Lightweight Embedded Devices (SCI) IET Electronics Letters, 60(4), 2024.
Moon Gi Seok and Daejin Park*.
A Novel Multi-Level Evaluation Approach for Human-Coupled IoT
Applications (SCI) Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing,
15:1395-1408, Feb 2024.
Sanghoon Lee and Daejin Park*.
Robust Embedded PID Control Software Execution based on Automatic
Malfunction Profile Feedback (SCI) Electronics, 13(8):1526-1547, 2024.
Sunghoon Hong and Daejin Park*.
Differential Image-based Scalable YOLOv3 Implementation for
Clustered Embedded Systems (JCR 2% Top SCI) IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems,
25(11):16036-16047, 2024.
Seungmin Lee and Daejin Park*.
Noise Reduction Enhancement of SVD-based Particulate Matter Digital
Twinning using LSTM-based Post-processing (KCI) Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication
Engineering, 28(7):795-804, 2024.
Minjung Kim and Daejin Park*.
Dynamic Round Robin Scheduling based Hypervisor System for Managing
Multiple Operating Systems on Lightweight Microcontrollers (KCI) Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication
Engineering, 28(8):978-987, 2024.
Gihyeon Jeon and Daejin Park*.
Defragmentation-based Efficient Allocation on On-Chip Scratchpad
Memory for Lightweighted Microcontrollers (KCI) Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication
Engineering, 28(8):988-996, 2024.
Minjung Kim, Seungmin Lee, and Daejin Park*.
Filtering Time Optimization in Vehicle Electronic Control Systems
Using a Non-Contact Magnetic Sensor and Dual Buffer Structure (KCI) IEMEK Journal of Embedded Systems and Applications,
19(4):203-210, 2024.
Sunghoon Hong and Daejin Park*.
ML-Based Fast and Precise Embedded Rack Detection Software for
Docking and Transport of Autonomous Mobile Robots Using 2-D LiDAR (SCI) IEEE Embedded Systems Letters, 16(4):401-404, 2024.
Seunghyun Park and Daejin Park*.
Low-Power Scalable TSPI: A Modular Off-Chip Network for Edge AI
Accelerators (SCI) IEEE Access, 12:141448-141459, 2024.
Hyunjung Lee and Daejin Park*.
Auto Parking Assistance Control using Human-Activity Feedback-based
Embedded Software Emulation (KCI) Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication
Engineering, 28(11):1399-1407, 2024.
Youngwon Jeon and Daejin Park*.
Automotive Flow Control for Large-Scaled Collaborative Congestion
Mitigation (KCI) Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication
Engineering, 28(11):1389-1398, 2024.
Heuijee Youn and Daejin Park*.
High-Speed Energy-Efficient Model based Dynamic Pruning using
Pattern-based Alignment for Convolutional Spiking Neural Network Hardware
Accelerators (KCI) IEMEK Journal of Embedded Systems and Applications,
19(6):267-274, 2024.
Moon Gi Seok, WENTONG CAI, and Daejin Park*.
Digital-Twin Consistency Diagnosis Based on Partially Observed Timed
Events in Smart Manufacturing (JCR 2% Top SCI) IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 19(4):6208-6219,
Seungmin Lee, Jisu Kwon, and Daejin Park*.
Runtime Tracking-based Replication of On-Chip Embedded Software
using Transfer Function Learning for Dust Particle Sensor Systems (SCI) IEEE Access, 11:32167-32175, 2023.
Myeongjin Kang and Daejin Park*.
Digital Twin Technique for Effective Simulation of Interoperation
with Users and Heterogenous Things (KCI) Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication
Engineering, 27(4):503-510, 2023.
Yonghun Lee and Daejin Park*.
Fast Verilog Simulation using Tcl-based Verification Code Generation
for Dynamically Reloading from Pre-Simulation Snapshot (KCI) Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication
Engineering, 27(4):545-551, 2023.
Seunghyun Park and Daejin Park*.
Low-Power FPGA Realization of Lightweight Active Noise Cancellation
with CNN Noise Classification (SCI) Electronics, 12(11):2511-2526, 2023.
Seungmin Lee and Daejin Park*.
Lightweight Algorithm for Digital Twin based on Diameter Measurement
using Singular-Value-Decomposition (KCI) IEMEK Journal of Embedded Systems and Applications,
18(3):117-124, 2023.
Seungmin Lee, Jisu Kwon, and Daejin Park*.
Optimized Replication of ADC-based Particle Counting Algorithm with
Reconfigurable Multi-Variables in Pseudo-Supervised Digital Twining of
Reference Dust Sensor Systems (SCI) Sensors, 23(12):5557-5572, 2023.
Sanghoon Lee and Daejin Park*.
Run-time Current/Voltage-level Pattern Monitoring and Comparison
System for Detecting Malfunctions by Embedded System Software Errors (KCI) Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication
Engineering, 27(9):1146-1157, 2023.
Nayoung Kwon and Daejin Park*.
Shallow Clock Tree Pre-estimation for Designing Clock Tree
Synthesizable Verilog RTLs (SCI) Electronics, 12(20):4340-4356, 2023.
Dongkyu Jung, Taewon Chong, and Daejin Park*.
Efficient Object Detection Using Semantic Region of Interest
Generation with Light-Weighted LiDAR Clustering in Embedded Processors
(SCI) Sensors, 23(21):8981-8997, 2023.
Dongkyu Lee and Daejin Park*.
On-Demand Streamable Code Executable Link Layer for OpenAPI-based
Edge-Cloud Infrastructure (KCI) Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication
Engineering, 27(11):1430-1437, 2023.
Jisu Kwon and Daejin Park*.
Efficient Partial Weight Update Techniques for Lightweight On-Device
Learning on Tiny Flash-Embedded MCUs (SCI) IEEE Embedded Systems Letters, 15(4):206-209, 2023.
Dongkyu Lee and Daejin Park*.
On-Cloud Linking Approach Using a Linkable Glue Layer for
Metamorphic Edge Devices (SCI) Electronics, 12(24):4901-4916, 2023.
Juneseo Chang, Myeongjin Kang, and Daejin Park*.
Low-Power On-Chip Implementation of Enhanced SVM Algorithm for
Sensors Fusion-based Activity Classification in Lightweighted Edge Devices
(SCI) Electronics, 11(1):139-159, 2022.
Jinkyung Bae, Minsoo Kwak, Kyeungkap Noh, Dongkyu Lee, Seungmin Lee, and Daejin
Comparative Learning based Deep Learning Algorithm for Abnormal Beat
Detection using Imaged Electrocardiogram Signal (KCI) Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication
Engineering, 26(1):30-40, 2022.
Sunghoon Hong and Daejin Park*.
Lane Detection Based on Inverse Perspective Transformation and
Machine Learning in Lightweight Embedded System (KCI) IEMEK Journal of Embedded Systems and Applications,
17(1):41-49, 2022.
Seungmin Lee and Daejin Park*.
Improved Dynamic Programming in Local Linear Approximation Based on
a Template in a Lightweight ECG Signal-Processing Edge Device (SCOPUS) Journal of Information Processing Systems, 18(1):97-114, 2022.
P´eter Plesznik, Zsolt Koll´ar, and Daejin Park*.
FPGA Optimized Realization of the Observer-Based Sliding Discrete
Fourier Transform (SCI) IEEE Access, 10:29432-29442, 2022.
Seungmin Lee and Daejin Park*.
Abnormal Beat Detection from Unreconstructed Compressed Signals
Based on Linear Approximation in ECG Signals Suitable for Embedded IoT
Devices (SCI) Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing,
13(10):4705-4717, 2022.
Sunghoon Hong and Daejin Park*.
Runtime ML-DL Hybrid Inference Platform based on Multiplexing
Adaptive Space-Time Resolution for Lightweight Object Detection in Low-Power
Embedded Systems (SCI) Sensors, 22(8):2998-3011, 2022.
Heuijee Yun and Daejin Park*.
Efficient Object Recognition by Masking Semantic Pixel Difference
Region of Vision Snapshot for Lightweight Embedded Systems (KCI) Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication
Engineering, 26(6):813-826, 2022.
Moon Gi Seok and Daejin Park*.
A Novel Multi-Level Evaluation Approach for Human-Coupled IoT
Applications (SCI) Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing, pages
1-15, Jul 2022.
Taewon Chong, Dongkyu Lee, and Daejin Park*.
Semantic Depth Data Transmission Reduction Techniques based on
Interpolated 3D Plane Reconstruction for Lightweighted LiDAR Signal
Processing Platform (SCI) Electronics, 11(14):2135-2152, 2022.
Seungmin Lee and Daejin Park*.
Comparative Neural Network based on Template Cluster for Automated
Abnormal Beat Detection in Electrocardiogram Signals (SCI) Human-centric Computing and Information Sciences (HCIS),
12(51):1-17, 2022.
Mingi Cho and Daejin Park*.
Energy-aware Dynamic Frequency Scaling Algorithm for Polling based
Communication Systems (KCI) Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication
Engineering, 26(9):1405-1411, 2022.
Nayoung Kwon and Daejin Park*.
Lightweighted CTS Preconstruction Techniques for Checking Clock Tree
Synthesizable Paths in RTL Design Time (KCI) Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication
Engineering, 26(10):1537-1544, 2022.
Dongkyu Jung and Daejin Park*.
Semantic Object Detection based on LiDAR Distance-based Clustering
Techniques for Lightweight Embedded Processors (KCI) Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication
Engineering, 26(10):1453-1461, 2022.
Jisu Kwon and Daejin Park*.
Efficient Sensor Processing Technique using Kalman Filter-based
Velocity Prediction in Large-Scale Vehicle IoT Application (SCI) IEEE Access, 10:116735-116746, 2022.
Heuijee Yun and Daejin Park*.
Efficient Object Detection based on Masking Semantic Segmentation
Region for Lightweight Embedded Processors (SCI) Sensors, 22(22):8890-8911, 2022.
Myeongjin Kang, Ho Kim, Jungwon Park, Seongbum Yang, Junseo Yun, and Daejin
Low-Power Streamable AI Software Runtime Execution based on
Collaborative Edge-Cloud Image Processing in Metaverse Applicaitons (KCI) Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication
Engineering, 26(11):1577-1585, 2022.
Seunghyun Park and Daejin Park*.
Lightweighted FPGA Implementation of Symmetric Buffer-based Active
Noise Canceller with On-Chip Convoluation Acceleration Unit (KCI) Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication
Engineering, 26(11):1713-1719, 2022.
Jisu Kwon and Daejin Park*.
Collaborative Streamlined On-Chip Software Architecture on
Heterogenous Multi-Cores for Low-Power Reactive Control in Automotive
Embedded Processors (KCI) IEMEK Journal of Embedded Systems and Applications,
17(6):375-382, 2022.
Dongkyu Lee and Daejin Park*.
Hardware and Software Co-Design Platform for Energy-Efficient FPGA
Accelerator Design (KCI) Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication
Engineering, 25(1):20-26, 2021.
Seungmin Lee and Daejin Park*.
Real-Time Abnormal Beat Detection Method using Template Cluster for
ECG Diagnosis on IoT Devices (SCI) Human-centric Computing and Information Sciences (HCIS),
11(4):1-16, 2021.
Semyoung Oh and Daejin Park*.
Low-Power Beam-Switching Technique for Power-Efficient Collaborative
IoT Edge Devices (SCI) Applied Sciences, 11(4):1608-1621, 2021.
Jongheon Baek, Jiwoong Jung, Minsung Kim, Jisu Kwon, and Daejin Park*.
Low-Power Metamorphic MCU using Partial Firmware Update Method for
Irregular Target Systems Control (KCI) Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication
Engineering, 25(2):301-307, Feb 2021.
Dongkyu Lee, Moon Gi Seok, and Daejin Park*.
On-Demand Remote Software Code Execution Unit using On-Chip Flash
Memory Cloudification for IoT Environment Acceleration (SCOPUS) Journal of Information Processing Systems, 17(1):191-202, Feb
Seungmin Lee and Daejin Park*.
Efficient Template Cluster Generation for Real-Time Abnormal Beat
Detection in Lightweight Embedded ECG Acquisition Devices (SCI) IEEE Access, 9:70596-70605, 2021.
Moon Gi Seok, WENTONG CAI, and Daejin Park*.
Hierarchical Aggregation/Disaggregation for Adaptive
Abstraction-Level Conversion in Digital Twin-based Smart Semiconductor
Manufacturing (SCI) IEEE Access, 9:71145-71158, 2021.
Jisu Kwon, Moon Gi Seok, and Daejin Park*.
Low-Power Fast Partial Firmware Update Technique of On-Chip Flash
Memory for Reliable Embedded IoT Microcontroller (SCI) IEICE Transactions on Electronics, E104-C(6):226-236, 2021.
Sunghoon Hong and Daejin Park*.
Vision-based Real-time Vehicle Detection and Tracking Algorithm for
Forward Collision Warning (KCI) Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication
Engineering, 25(7):962-970, 2021.
Taewon Chong and Daejin Park*.
Efficiency Low-Power Signal Processing for Multi-Channel LiDAR
Sensor-based Vehicle Detection Platform (KCI) Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication
Engineering, 25(7):977-985, 2021.
Seungmin Lee and Daejin Park*.
Adaptive ECG Signal Compression Method Based on Look-ahead Linear
Approximation for Ultra Long-Term Operating of Healthcare IoT Devices (SCI) Human-centric Computing and Information Sciences (HCIS),
11(30):1-15, 2021.
Myeongjin Kang and Daejin Park*.
Lightweight Microcontroller with Parallelized ECC-based Code Memory
Protection Unit for Robust Instruction Execution in Smart Sensors (SCI) Sensors, 21(16):5508-5525, 2021.
Hyungyun Moon and Daejin Park*.
Efficient On-Demand Hardware Replacement Platform toward Metamorphic
Functional Processing in Edge-Centric IoT Applications (SCI) Electronics, 10(17):2088-2104, 2021.
Heuijee Yun and Daejin Park*.
Virtualization of Self-Driving Algorithms by Interoperating Embedded
Controllers on Game Engine for Digital Twining Autonomous Vehicle (SCI) Electronics, 10(17):2102-2115, 2021.
Dongkyu Lee, Seungmin Lee, Sejong Oh, and Daejin Park*.
Energy-Efficient FPGA Accelerator with Fidelity-Controllable
Sliding-Region Signal Processing Unit for Abnormal ECG Diagnosis on IoT Edge
Devices (SCI) IEEE Access, 9:122789-122800, 2021.
Dongkyu Lee and Daejin Park*.
Adaptive Processing Algorithm Allocation on OpenCL-based FPGA-GPU
Hybrid Layer for Energy-Efficient Reconfigurable Acceleration of Abnormal ECG
Diagnosis (KCI) Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication
Engineering, 25(10):1279-1286, 2021.
Taewon Chong and Daejin Park*.
Adaptive Convolution Filter-based 3D Plane Reconstruction for
Low-Power LiDAR Sensor Systems (KCI) Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication
Engineering, 25(10):1416-1426, 2021.
Joonghyun An and Daejin Park*.
Fast Adaptation Techniques of Compensation Coefficient of Active
Noise Canceller using Binary Search Algorithm (KCI) Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication
Engineering, 25(11):1635-1641, 2021.
Myeongjin Kang and Daejin Park*.
Abnormal System Operation Detection by Comparing QR Code-Encoded
Power Consumption Patterns in Software Execution Control Flow (KCI) Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication
Engineering, 25(11):1581-1587, 2021.
Taewon Chong and Daejin Park*.
Semantic Depth Data Transmission Reduction Techniques using
Frame-to-Frame Masking Method for Light-weighted LiDAR Signal Processing
Platform (KCI) Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication
Engineering, 25(12):1859-1867, 2021.
Jisu Kwon and Daejin Park*.
Hardware/Software Co-design for TinyML Voice-Recognition Application
on Resource Frugal Edge Devices (SCI) Applied Sciences, 11(22):11073-11087, 2021.
Jisu Kwon and Daejin Park*.
Acceleration of ECC Computation for Robust Massive Data Reception
under GPU-based Embedded Systems (KCI) Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication
Engineering, 24(7):956-962, 2020.
Seongho Cho and Daejin Park*.
Electrostatic Coupling Intra-Body Communication Based on FSK
Communication and Error Correction (KCI) IEMEK Journal of Embedded Systems and Applications,
15(4):159-166, 2020.
Dongkyu Lee, Hyungyun Moon, Sejong Oh, and Daejin Park*.
mIoT: Metamorphic IoT Platform for On-Demand Hardware Replacement in
Large-Scale IoT Applications (SCI) Sensors, 20(12):3337-3358, 2020.
Moon Gi Seok, WENTONG CAI, HESSAM S. SARJOUGHIAN, and Daejin Park*.
Adaptive Abstraction-Level Conversion Framework for Accelerated
Discrete-Event Simulation in Smart Semicondcutor Manufacturing (SCI) IEEE Access, 8:165247-165262, 2020.
Myeongjin Kang and Daejin Park*.
High Speed and Robust Processor based on Parallelized Error
Correcting Code Module (KCI) Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication
Engineering, 24(9):1180-1186, 2020.
Sanghoon Lee, Dongkyu Lee, Pyung Choi, and Daejin Park*.
Accuracy-Power Controllable LiDAR Sensor System with 3D Object
Recognition for Autonomous Vehicle (SCI) Sensors, 20(19):5706-5725, 2020.
Seongho Cho and Daejin Park*.
Robust Intra-Body Communication using SHA-ECC-CRC Inversion-based
Frequency Shft Keying for Securing Electronic Authentication (SCI) Sensors, 20(21):6056-6073, 2020.
Seungmin Lee and Daejin Park*.
Communication-Power Overhead Reduction Method using Template-Based
Linear Approximation in Lightweight ECG Measurement Embedded Device (KCI) IEMEK Journal of Embedded Systems and Applications,
15(5):205-214, 2020.
Sanghoon Lee and Daejin Park*.
Efficient Power Consumption Technique of LiDAR Sensor for
Controlling Detection Accuracy Based on Vehicle Speed (KCI) IEMEK Journal of Embedded Systems and Applications,
15(5):215-225, 2020.
Hyungyun Moon and Daejin Park*.
Edge-Centric Metamorphic IoT Processor Platform for Efficient
On-Demand Hardware Replacement (KCI) Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication
Engineering, 24(12):1688-1696, 2020.
Jisu Kwon and Daejin Park*.
Velocity and Distance Estimation-based Sensing Data Collection
Interval Control Technique for Vehicle Data-Processing Overhead Reduction
(KCI) Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication
Engineering, 24(12):1697-1703, 2020.
Jisu Kwon, Moon Gi Seok, and Daejin Park*.
GPU-Based ECC Decode Unit for Efficient Massive Data Reception
Acceleration (SCOPUS) Journal of Information Processing Systems, 16(6):1359-1371,
Yoosoo Jeong, Kil-Heum Park, and Daejin Park*.
Homogeneity Patch Search Method for Voting-based Efficient Vehicle
Color Classification Using Front-of-Vehicle Image (SCI) Multimedia Tools and Applications, 78:28633-28648, 2019.
Kiho Choi, Daejin Park*, and Jeonghun Cho.
SSCFM: Separate Signature-Based Control Flow Error Monitoring for
Multi-Threaded and Multi-Core Environments (SCI) Electronics, 8(2):166-185, 2019.
Semyoung Oh, Young-Dam Kim, and Daejin Park*.
Optimized Combination of Local Beams for Wireless Sensor Networks
(SCI) Sensors, 19(3):633-643, 2019.
Dongkyu Lee, Jeonghun Cho, and Daejin Park*.
Cloudification of On-Chip Flash Memory for Connected Instruction
Executable IoTs (KCI) IEMEK Journal of Embedded Systems and Applications,
14(2):103-111, 2019.
Jisu Kwon, Jeonghun Cho, and Daejin Park*.
Efficient Flash Memory Access Power Reduction Techniques for
IoT-Driven Rare-Event Logging Application (KCI) IEMEK Journal of Embedded Systems and Applications,
14(2):87-96, 2019.
Juneseo Chang, Boguk Kim, Changil Mun, Dokyun Lee, Junho Kwak, Daejin Park*, and
Yoosoo Jeong.
Efficient Hyperplane Generation Techniques for Human Activity
Classification in Multiple-Event Sensors based Smart Home (KCI) IEMEK Journal of Embedded Systems and Applications,
14(5):277-286, 2019.
S. Lee, Y. Jeong, J. Kwak, D. Park*, and K. H. Park.
Advanced Real-Time Dynamic Programming in the Polygonal
Approximation of ECG Signals for a Lightweight Embedded Device (SCI) IEEE Access, 7:162850-162861, 2019.
M. G. Seok, H. S. Sarjoughian, C. Choi, and D. Park*.
Fast and Cycle-Accurate Simulation of RTL NoC Designs Using
Test-Driven Cellular Automata (SCI) IEEE Access, 8:2670-2686, 2019.
Seongseop Kim, Jeonghun Cho, and Daejin Park*.
Accelerated DEVS Simulation Using Collaborative Computation on
Multi-Cores and GPUs for Fire-Spreading IoT Sensing Applications (SCI) Applied Sciences, 8(9):1-17, 2018.
Yoosoo Jeong, Seungmin Lee, Daejin Park*, and Kil Houm Park.
Accurate Age Estimation Using Multi-Task Siamese Network-Based Deep
Metric Learning for Frontal Face Images (SCI) Symmetry, 10(9):1-15, 2018.
Yongtae Kim, Jeonghun Cho, and Daejin Park*.
Collaborative Software Integrity Verification using Bit Inversion
Error Checking Codes in Crowd-Coupled IoT Applications (SCOPUS) International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology
(IJCIET), 9(7):190-197, 2018.
Yongtae Kim, Jeonghun Cho, and Daejin Park*.
Human Activity Profile Tracking using Static Analysis of Binary Code
Access Patterns for Freeze-Safe IoT Systems (SCOPUS) International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology
(IJMET), 9(7):852-858, 2018.
Yongtae Kim, Jeonghun Cho, and Daejin Park*.
Human-Interactive IoT Microcontroller with Silent Background-Mode
CRC Protection Unit for Runtime Code Memory Integrity Verification (SCOPUS) International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology
(IJMET), 9(10):149-156, 2018.
Seungmin Lee, Yoosoo Jeong, Daejin Park*, Byoung-Ju Yun, and Kil Houm Park.
Efficient Fiducial Point Detection of ECG QRS Complex Based on
Polygonal Approximation (SCI) Sensors, 18(12):4502-4517, 2018.
Kiho Choi, Jeonghun Cho, and Daejin Park*.
Separate Signature Monitoring for Control Flow Error Detection
(KCI) Journal of IEMEK, 13(5):225-234, Oct 2018.
Hyun-Gyun Moon, Jeonghun Cho, and Daejin Park*.
Large-Scale Construction of Freeze-Safe IoT-Driven Applications
using Collaborative Power Profile Tracking (KCI) Journal of KICS, 43(9):1501-1508, Sep 2018.
Seongseop Kim, Jeonghun Cho, and Daejin Park*.
Accelerated Large-Scale Simulation on DEVS based Hybrid Systemusing
Collaborative Computation on Multi-Cores and GPUs (KCI) Journal of the Korea Society for Simulation), 27(3):1-11, Sep
M.G. Seok, T.G. Kim, C.B. Choi, and D. Park*.
An HLA-Based Distributed Cosimulation Framework in Mixed-Signal
System-on-Chip Design (SCI) IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI)
Systems, 25(2):760-764, 2017.
Y. Jeong, D. Park*, and K.H. Park.
PTZ Camera-Based Displacement Sensor System with Perspective
Distortion Correction Unit for Early Detection of Building Destruction
(SCI) Sensors (Switzerland), 17(3):1-16, 2017.
M.G. Seok, T.G. Kim, and D. Park*.
An HLA-Based Formal Co-Simulation Approach for Rapid Prototyping of
Heterogeneous Mixed-Signal SoCs (SCI) IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics,
Communications and Computer Sciences, E100A(7):1374-1383, 2017.
K. Han, D. Park*, and J. Cho.
An FDS Algorithm for Synthesis of Autosar Architecture (SCOPUS) Advanced Science Letters, 23(3):1608-1612, 2017.
S. Lee, D. Park*, and K. H. Park.
QRS Complex Detection Based on Primitive (SCI) Journal of Communications and Networks, 19(5):442-450, 2017.
M.G. Seok, T.G. Kim, and D. Park*.
Parallel Simulation-Assisted On-Chip Glitch Filter Placement for
Safe Microcontroller in Noisy Environment (SCOPUS) Advanced Science Letters, 23(3):1547-1551, 2017.
M. Di Youn, J. Youn, J. Cho, and D. Park*.
MCU-Based Battery Management System for Fast Charging of IoT-Based
Large-Scale Battery-Cells (SCOPUS) International Journal of Applied Engineering Research,
12(7):1329-1333, 2017.
Kiho Choi, Seongseop Kim, Jeonghun Cho, and Daejin Park*.
Maximum Stack Memory Usage Estimation Through Target Binary File
Analysis in Microcontroller Environment (KCI) IEMEK Journal of Embedded Systems and Applications,
12(3):159-167, June 2017.
S. Kim, G. Choi, S. Lee, J. Cho, and D. Park*.
Event-Detection Microcontroller using Interoperation-Based Acoustic
Surface Sensing for Individualized Things-Human Interaction (SCOPUS) International Journal of Applied Engineering Research,
12(12):3546-3552, 2017.
Seongseop Kim, Kiho Choi, Jeonghun Cho, and Daejin Park*.
Low-Power Things-Server Interaction Technique using Individualized
Acoustic Touch Event Recognition (KCI) Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information
Sciences, 49(09):1832-1842, June 2017.
D. Park*, M. Jung, and J. Cho.
Area Efficient Remote Code Execution Platform with On-Demand
Instruction Manager for Cloud-Connected Code Executable IoT Devices (SCI) Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory, 77:379-389, 2017.
Seongseop Kim, Jeonghun Cho, and Daejin Park*.
GPU-based Acceleration of Particle Filter Signal Processing for
Efficient Moving-Target Position Estimation (KCI) IEMEK Journal of Embedded Systems and Applications,
12(5):267-275, Oct 2017.
Dongkyu Lee, Jeonghun Cho, and Daejin Park*.
Processing-based IoT Visualization for Fast Development of Safe,
Collision-Free Autonomous Driving (SCOPUS) International Journal of Applied Engineering Research,
12(16):6318-6322, 2017.
Hyeonjae Shin, Jeonghun Cho, and Daejin Park*.
Automated Validation Framework using On-Chip Event-Driven Debugger
for Safe Code Execution Control Flow (SCOPUS) International Journal of Applied Engineering Research,
12(16):6164-6169, 2017.
Hyeonjae Shin, Jeonghun Cho, and Daejin Park*.
Safe Microcontroller with Silent Hooking-Unit of Runtime Bus
Transition for Code Memory Integrity Verification (SCOPUS) International Journal of Applied Engineering Research,
12(16):6211-6217, 2017.
H. Shin, Jeonghun Cho, and Daejin Park*.
Microcontroller Code Protection Technique based on
Simulated-Hot-spot Analysis of Instruction Access Pattern (SCOPUS) International Journal of Applied Engineering Research,
12(21):10719-10723, 2017.
Seongseop Kim, Jeonghun Cho, and Daejin Park*.
Moving-Target Position Estimation Using GPU-Based Particle Filter
for IoT Sensing Applications (SCI) Applied Sciences, 7(11):1-14, 2017.
Jiae Youn, Joonghyun An, Meng Di Yin, and Daejin Park*.
Safe Adaptive Headlight Controller with Symmetric Angle Sensor
Compensator using Steering-Swivel Angle Lookup Table (KCI) Transactions of the Korean Society of Automotive Engineers,
24(1):112-121, Jan 2016.
Jiae Youn, Men Di Yin, Jeonghun Cho, and Daejin Park*.
Embedded ECU Emulation Platform for Safe Adaptive Front-Light System
Control Algorithm Development (SCOPUS) MATEC Web of Conferences, 54:04002, 2016.
S. Lee, B.G. Kang, T.G. Kim, J. Cho, and D. Park*.
Interoperation of Distributed MCU Emulator/Simulator for Operating
Power Simulation of Large-Scale Internet of Event-Driven Control Things
(SCOPUS) Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, 368:75-82, 2016.
Daejin Park*.
Low-Power Code Memory Integrity Verification Using Background Cyclic
Redundancy Check Calculator Based on Binary Code Inversion Method (SCI) Journal of Circuits, Systems and Computers, 25(07):1650068,
D. Park*, M. Yin, S. Kwak, and J. Cho.
Fast Battery Charger MCU with Adaptive PWM Controller using Runtime
Tracking of Polarization Curve (SCI) IEICE Electronics Express, 13(8):20160131-20160131, 2016.
M. Di Yin, J. Cho, and D. Park*.
Pulse-Based Fast Battery IoT Charger using Dynamic Frequency and
Duty Control Techniques Based on Multi-Sensing of Polarization Curve (SCI) Energies, 9(3):1-20, 2016.
Daejin Park*.
Low-Power IoT Microcontroller Code Memory Interface using Binary
Code Inversion Technique based on Hot-Spot Access Region Detection (KCI) Journal of IEMEK, 11(2):97-105, April 2016.
M.G. Seok, T.G. Kim, C. Choi, and D. Park*.
A Scalable Modeling and Simulation Environment for Chemical Gas
Emergencies (SCI) Computing in Science and Engineering, 18(4):25-33, 2016.
Daejin Park*.
Area-Efficient IoT MCU With Remote Code Execution Layer for
Cloud-Connected Code Executable Things (SCI) IEICE Electronics Express, 13(12):20160449-20160449, 2016.
Joonghyun An, Moon Gi Seok, and Daejin Park*.
Automatic On-Chip Backup Clock Changer for Protecting Abnormal MCU
Operations in Unsafe Clock Frequency (SCI) IEICE Electronics Express, 13(24):20160808-20160808, 2016.
M.G. Seok, B.G. Kang, and D. Park*.
Event-Driven Sensor/Actuator Microcontroller using Neural
Network-Based Parameter Reconfiguration Method for Unknown Plant-Model
Control Applications (SCOPUS) International Journal of Applied Engineering Research,
11(17):9172-9179, 2016.
Jiae Youn, Jeonghun Cho, and Daejin Park*.
Safe Adaptive Front-Light Microcontroller with Symmetric Angle
Compensator for Abnormal Steering-Swivel Angle Protection (SCOPUS) International Journal of Applied Engineering Research,
11(18):9638-9643, 2016.
Moon Gi Seok, Tag Gon Kim, and Daejin Park*.
Design and Implementation of a Multi-level Simulation Environment
for WSN : Interoperation between an FPGA-based Sensor Node and a NS3 (KCI) Journal of the Korea Society for Simulation, 25(4):43-52,
D. Park*, J.M. Youn, and J. Cho.
A Low-Power Microcontroller with Accuracy-Controlled Event-Driven
Signal Processing Unit for Rare-Event Activity-Sensing IoT Devices (SCI) Journal of Sensors, 2015:1-10, 2015.
Sanghyun Lee, Jeonghun Cho, Tag Gon Kim, and Daejin Park*.
Things-Touch System and Matlab/Simulink Interoperation Environment
based on Acoustic Event Sensing for Individualized Things-Human Interaction
(KCI) Journal of IEMEK, 10(4):189-198, Aug 2015.
D. Park* and J. Cho.
Low-Power universal Edge Tracer Architecture Using
Accuracy-Controlled Resource Reallocation for Event-Driven Sensing
Applications (SCOPUS) Procedia Computer Science, 56(1):67-73, 2015.
Jiae Youn, Meng Di Yin, Joonghyun An, Jeonghun Cho, and Daejin Park*.
Safe Adaptive Headlight Controller with Symmetric Angle Sensor
Compensator for Functional Safety Requirement (KCI) Journal of IEMEK, 10(5):297-305, Oct 2015.
Joonghyun, Jiae Youn, Jeonghun Cho, and Daejin Park*.
Automatic On-Chip Glitch-Free Backup Clock Changing Method for MCU
Clock Failure Protection in Unsafe I/O Pin Noisy Environment (KCI) Journal of the Institute of Electronics and Information
Engineers, 52(12):99-108, Dec 2015.
D. Park* and J. Cho.
A Low-Power Sensor Processor with a Approximation-Based Fractional
Wakeup Timer for Long-Term Sleep of Wearable Sensor Devices (SCOPUS) International Journal of Applied Engineering Research,
10(18):38664-38670, 2015.
D. Park*.
Recursive Synthesis Framework of On-Chipmask ROM Circuits for
Scrambled Mask Pattern Generation of Binary Code (SCOPUS) International Journal of Applied Engineering Research,
10(18):38960-38966, 2015.
D. Park* and J. Cho.
Safe Microcontroller with Code Block Fingerprint Analysis
Accelerator for Embedded-Software Integrity Verification (SCOPUS) Information (Japan), 18(12):5027-5036, 2015.
D. Park* and J. Cho.
Fab-in-the-Loop Verification Method Using On-Chip Virtual Clock
Management Unit and Built-In Test Vector Generation Unit for Fast IC-Level
Test of Sensor-Integrated System-on-Chip (SCOPUS) Information (Japan), 18(12):5037-5044, 2015.
Daejin Park* and Tag Gon Kim.
Built-In Binary Code Inversion Technique for On-Chip Flash Memory
Sense Amplifier With Reduced Read Current Consumption (SCI) IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI)
Systems, 22(5):1187-1191, May 2014.
D. Park* and J. Cho.
Accuracy-Energy Configurable Sensor Processor and IoT Device For
Long-Term Activity Monitoring in Rare-Event Sensing applications (SCI) The Scientific World Journal, 2014:546563, 2014.
Daejin Park*, Tag Gon Kim, and Jeonghun Cho.
A Low-Power Time-Synchronization Processor With Symmetric Even/Odd
Timer for Charge-Shared LCD Driving of 3DTV Active Shutter Glasses (SCI) Journal of Display Technology, 10(12):1047-1054, Dec 2014.
Daejin Park*, Chang Min Kim, Sungho Kwak, and Tag Gon Kim.
A Low-Power Fractional-Order Synchronizer for Syncless
Time-Sequential Synchronization of 3-D TV Active Shutter Glasses (SCI) IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology,
23(2):364-369, Feb 2013.