Joural Paper Publications


[1] Jisu Kwon and Daejin Park*. MAIL: Micro-Accelerator-in-the-Loop Framework for MCU Integrated Accelerator Peripheral Fast Prototyping (SCI) Applied Sciences, 15(3):1056-1070, 2025. [DOI] 
[2] Seunghyun Park and Daejin Park*. Optimization of Output Activation Sparsity in AI AcceleratorUsing Bit-Separable Multiplier (KCI) IEMEK Journal of Embedded Systems and Applications, 2025. [DOI] 
[3] Seunghyun Park and Daejin Park*. Bit-Separable Multiplier in CNN Accelerator: Analyzing Partial Results for Post-Optimization (VLSI Top Flagship Journal, SCI) (Under Revision) IEEE Micro, 45(1), 2025.
[4] Janghun Lee and Daejin Park*. Fast Embedded Software Management based on Dynamic Partial Update Techniques for Intermittent Embedded Systems (KCI) (Under Review) Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering, 2025. [DOI] 
[5] Sunghoon Hong and Daejin Park*. ML-based Fast and Precise Target Docking of Autonomous Mobile Robots for Intelligent Transportation Systems using 2D LiDAR (SCI) (Under Revision) IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2025.
[6] Myeongjin Kang and Daejin Park*. Flexible Edge-AI Software Execution Architecture based on Cloud-Connected Incremental Learning (SCI) (Under Review) IEEE Access, 2025.
[7] Dongkyu Jung and Daejin Park*. Optimizing Data Access for Accelerators Lightweight Convolutional Neural Network Algorithm Structure (SCI) (Under Review) IEEE Access, 2025.
[8] Heuijee Youn and Daejin Park*. S3A-NPU: A High-Performance Hardware Accelerator for Spiking Self-Supervised Learning with Dynamic Adaptive Memory Optimization (SCI) (Under Review) IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) Systems, 2025.
[9] Semyoung Oh and Daejin Park*. Metaheuristic Algorithm based Antenna Selection Collaborative Beamforming for Remote Sensors (SCI) (Under Review) IET Electronics Letters, 2025. [DOI] 
[10] Sunghoon Hong and Daejin Park*. On-Chip Realization of Efficient Lane Departure Warning Systems using Inverse Perspective Transformation and Machine Learning-based Lane Detection (SCI) (Under Revision) IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 2025.
[11] Joonghyun An and Daejin Park*. Adaptive Active Noise Canceller with Binary Search-based Coefficient Compensation Accelerator for Low-Power Lightweighted Microcontrollers (SCI) (On Writing) Electronics, 2025.
[12] Dongkyu Lee and Daejin Park*. On-Cloud Code Streaming-based Firmware Partial Update for Embedded Edge Devices (SCI) (Under Review) IEEE Access, 2025.


[1] Heuijee Yun and Daejin Park*. Low-Power Lane Detection Unit with Sliding-based Parallel Segment Detection Accelerator for Lightweighted Automotive Microcontrollers (SCI) IEEE Access, 12:4339-4353, 2024. [DOI] 
[2] Seungmin Lee and Daejin Park*. LSTM-based Post-processing for Noise Reduction in SVD-based Particulate Matter Digital Twinning on Lightweight Embedded Devices (SCI) IET Electronics Letters, 60(4), 2024. [DOI] 
[3] Moon Gi Seok and Daejin Park*. A Novel Multi-Level Evaluation Approach for Human-Coupled IoT Applications (SCI) Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing, 15:1395-1408, Feb 2024. [DOI] 
[4] Sanghoon Lee and Daejin Park*. Robust Embedded PID Control Software Execution based on Automatic Malfunction Profile Feedback (SCI) Electronics, 13(8):1526-1547, 2024. [DOI] 
[5] Sunghoon Hong and Daejin Park*. Differential Image-based Scalable YOLOv3 Implementation for Clustered Embedded Systems (JCR 2% Top SCI) IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 25(11):16036-16047, 2024. [DOI] 
[6] Seungmin Lee and Daejin Park*. Noise Reduction Enhancement of SVD-based Particulate Matter Digital Twinning using LSTM-based Post-processing (KCI) Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering, 28(7):795-804, 2024. [DOI] 
[7] Minjung Kim and Daejin Park*. Dynamic Round Robin Scheduling based Hypervisor System for Managing Multiple Operating Systems on Lightweight Microcontrollers (KCI) Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering, 28(8):978-987, 2024. [DOI] 
[8] Gihyeon Jeon and Daejin Park*. Defragmentation-based Efficient Allocation on On-Chip Scratchpad Memory for Lightweighted Microcontrollers (KCI) Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering, 28(8):988-996, 2024. [DOI] 
[9] Minjung Kim, Seungmin Lee, and Daejin Park*. Filtering Time Optimization in Vehicle Electronic Control Systems Using a Non-Contact Magnetic Sensor and Dual Buffer Structure (KCI) IEMEK Journal of Embedded Systems and Applications, 19(4):203-210, 2024. [DOI] 
[10] Sunghoon Hong and Daejin Park*. ML-Based Fast and Precise Embedded Rack Detection Software for Docking and Transport of Autonomous Mobile Robots Using 2-D LiDAR (SCI) IEEE Embedded Systems Letters, 16(4):401-404, 2024. [DOI] 
[11] Seunghyun Park and Daejin Park*. Low-Power Scalable TSPI: A Modular Off-Chip Network for Edge AI Accelerators (SCI) IEEE Access, 12:141448-141459, 2024. [DOI] 
[12] Hyunjung Lee and Daejin Park*. Auto Parking Assistance Control using Human-Activity Feedback-based Embedded Software Emulation (KCI) Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering, 28(11):1399-1407, 2024. [DOI] 
[13] Youngwon Jeon and Daejin Park*. Automotive Flow Control for Large-Scaled Collaborative Congestion Mitigation (KCI) Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering, 28(11):1389-1398, 2024. [DOI] 
[14] Heuijee Youn and Daejin Park*. High-Speed Energy-Efficient Model based Dynamic Pruning using Pattern-based Alignment for Convolutional Spiking Neural Network Hardware Accelerators (KCI) IEMEK Journal of Embedded Systems and Applications, 19(6):267-274, 2024. [DOI] 


[1] Moon Gi Seok, WENTONG CAI, and Daejin Park*. Digital-Twin Consistency Diagnosis Based on Partially Observed Timed Events in Smart Manufacturing (JCR 2% Top SCI) IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 19(4):6208-6219, 2023. [DOI] 
[2] Seungmin Lee, Jisu Kwon, and Daejin Park*. Runtime Tracking-based Replication of On-Chip Embedded Software using Transfer Function Learning for Dust Particle Sensor Systems (SCI) IEEE Access, 11:32167-32175, 2023. [DOI] 
[3] Myeongjin Kang and Daejin Park*. Digital Twin Technique for Effective Simulation of Interoperation with Users and Heterogenous Things (KCI) Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering, 27(4):503-510, 2023. [DOI] 
[4] Yonghun Lee and Daejin Park*. Fast Verilog Simulation using Tcl-based Verification Code Generation for Dynamically Reloading from Pre-Simulation Snapshot (KCI) Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering, 27(4):545-551, 2023. [DOI] 
[5] Seunghyun Park and Daejin Park*. Low-Power FPGA Realization of Lightweight Active Noise Cancellation with CNN Noise Classification (SCI) Electronics, 12(11):2511-2526, 2023. [DOI] 
[6] Seungmin Lee and Daejin Park*. Lightweight Algorithm for Digital Twin based on Diameter Measurement using Singular-Value-Decomposition (KCI) IEMEK Journal of Embedded Systems and Applications, 18(3):117-124, 2023. [DOI] 
[7] Seungmin Lee, Jisu Kwon, and Daejin Park*. Optimized Replication of ADC-based Particle Counting Algorithm with Reconfigurable Multi-Variables in Pseudo-Supervised Digital Twining of Reference Dust Sensor Systems (SCI) Sensors, 23(12):5557-5572, 2023. [DOI] 
[8] Sanghoon Lee and Daejin Park*. Run-time Current/Voltage-level Pattern Monitoring and Comparison System for Detecting Malfunctions by Embedded System Software Errors (KCI) Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering, 27(9):1146-1157, 2023. [DOI] 
[9] Nayoung Kwon and Daejin Park*. Shallow Clock Tree Pre-estimation for Designing Clock Tree Synthesizable Verilog RTLs (SCI) Electronics, 12(20):4340-4356, 2023. [DOI] 
[10] Dongkyu Jung, Taewon Chong, and Daejin Park*. Efficient Object Detection Using Semantic Region of Interest Generation with Light-Weighted LiDAR Clustering in Embedded Processors (SCI) Sensors, 23(21):8981-8997, 2023. [DOI] 
[11] Dongkyu Lee and Daejin Park*. On-Demand Streamable Code Executable Link Layer for OpenAPI-based Edge-Cloud Infrastructure (KCI) Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering, 27(11):1430-1437, 2023. [DOI] 
[12] Jisu Kwon and Daejin Park*. Efficient Partial Weight Update Techniques for Lightweight On-Device Learning on Tiny Flash-Embedded MCUs (SCI) IEEE Embedded Systems Letters, 15(4):206-209, 2023. [DOI] 
[13] Dongkyu Lee and Daejin Park*. On-Cloud Linking Approach Using a Linkable Glue Layer for Metamorphic Edge Devices (SCI) Electronics, 12(24):4901-4916, 2023. [DOI] 


[1] Juneseo Chang, Myeongjin Kang, and Daejin Park*. Low-Power On-Chip Implementation of Enhanced SVM Algorithm for Sensors Fusion-based Activity Classification in Lightweighted Edge Devices (SCI) Electronics, 11(1):139-159, 2022. [DOI] 
[2] Jinkyung Bae, Minsoo Kwak, Kyeungkap Noh, Dongkyu Lee, Seungmin Lee, and Daejin Park.* Comparative Learning based Deep Learning Algorithm for Abnormal Beat Detection using Imaged Electrocardiogram Signal (KCI) Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering, 26(1):30-40, 2022. [DOI] 
[3] Sunghoon Hong and Daejin Park*. Lane Detection Based on Inverse Perspective Transformation and Machine Learning in Lightweight Embedded System (KCI) IEMEK Journal of Embedded Systems and Applications, 17(1):41-49, 2022. [DOI] 
[4] Seungmin Lee and Daejin Park*. Improved Dynamic Programming in Local Linear Approximation Based on a Template in a Lightweight ECG Signal-Processing Edge Device (SCOPUS) Journal of Information Processing Systems, 18(1):97-114, 2022. [DOI] 
[5] P´eter Plesznik, Zsolt Koll´ar, and Daejin Park*. FPGA Optimized Realization of the Observer-Based Sliding Discrete Fourier Transform (SCI) IEEE Access, 10:29432-29442, 2022. [DOI] 
[6] Seungmin Lee and Daejin Park*. Abnormal Beat Detection from Unreconstructed Compressed Signals Based on Linear Approximation in ECG Signals Suitable for Embedded IoT Devices (SCI) Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing, 13(10):4705-4717, 2022. [DOI] 
[7] Sunghoon Hong and Daejin Park*. Runtime ML-DL Hybrid Inference Platform based on Multiplexing Adaptive Space-Time Resolution for Lightweight Object Detection in Low-Power Embedded Systems (SCI) Sensors, 22(8):2998-3011, 2022. [DOI] 
[8] Heuijee Yun and Daejin Park*. Efficient Object Recognition by Masking Semantic Pixel Difference Region of Vision Snapshot for Lightweight Embedded Systems (KCI) Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering, 26(6):813-826, 2022. [DOI] 
[9] Moon Gi Seok and Daejin Park*. A Novel Multi-Level Evaluation Approach for Human-Coupled IoT Applications (SCI) Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing, pages 1-15, Jul 2022. [DOI] 
[10] Taewon Chong, Dongkyu Lee, and Daejin Park*. Semantic Depth Data Transmission Reduction Techniques based on Interpolated 3D Plane Reconstruction for Lightweighted LiDAR Signal Processing Platform (SCI) Electronics, 11(14):2135-2152, 2022. [DOI] 
[11] Seungmin Lee and Daejin Park*. Comparative Neural Network based on Template Cluster for Automated Abnormal Beat Detection in Electrocardiogram Signals (SCI) Human-centric Computing and Information Sciences (HCIS), 12(51):1-17, 2022. [DOI] 
[12] Mingi Cho and Daejin Park*. Energy-aware Dynamic Frequency Scaling Algorithm for Polling based Communication Systems (KCI) Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering, 26(9):1405-1411, 2022. [DOI] 
[13] Nayoung Kwon and Daejin Park*. Lightweighted CTS Preconstruction Techniques for Checking Clock Tree Synthesizable Paths in RTL Design Time (KCI) Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering, 26(10):1537-1544, 2022. [DOI] 
[14] Dongkyu Jung and Daejin Park*. Semantic Object Detection based on LiDAR Distance-based Clustering Techniques for Lightweight Embedded Processors (KCI) Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering, 26(10):1453-1461, 2022. [DOI] 
[15] Jisu Kwon and Daejin Park*. Efficient Sensor Processing Technique using Kalman Filter-based Velocity Prediction in Large-Scale Vehicle IoT Application (SCI) IEEE Access, 10:116735-116746, 2022. [DOI] 
[16] Heuijee Yun and Daejin Park*. Efficient Object Detection based on Masking Semantic Segmentation Region for Lightweight Embedded Processors (SCI) Sensors, 22(22):8890-8911, 2022. [DOI] 
[17] Myeongjin Kang, Ho Kim, Jungwon Park, Seongbum Yang, Junseo Yun, and Daejin Park.* Low-Power Streamable AI Software Runtime Execution based on Collaborative Edge-Cloud Image Processing in Metaverse Applicaitons (KCI) Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering, 26(11):1577-1585, 2022. [DOI] 
[18] Seunghyun Park and Daejin Park*. Lightweighted FPGA Implementation of Symmetric Buffer-based Active Noise Canceller with On-Chip Convoluation Acceleration Unit (KCI) Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering, 26(11):1713-1719, 2022. [DOI] 
[19] Jisu Kwon and Daejin Park*. Collaborative Streamlined On-Chip Software Architecture on Heterogenous Multi-Cores for Low-Power Reactive Control in Automotive Embedded Processors (KCI) IEMEK Journal of Embedded Systems and Applications, 17(6):375-382, 2022. [DOI] 


[1] Dongkyu Lee and Daejin Park*. Hardware and Software Co-Design Platform for Energy-Efficient FPGA Accelerator Design (KCI) Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering, 25(1):20-26, 2021. [DOI] 
[2] Seungmin Lee and Daejin Park*. Real-Time Abnormal Beat Detection Method using Template Cluster for ECG Diagnosis on IoT Devices (SCI) Human-centric Computing and Information Sciences (HCIS), 11(4):1-16, 2021. [DOI] 
[3] Semyoung Oh and Daejin Park*. Low-Power Beam-Switching Technique for Power-Efficient Collaborative IoT Edge Devices (SCI) Applied Sciences, 11(4):1608-1621, 2021. [DOI] 
[4] Jongheon Baek, Jiwoong Jung, Minsung Kim, Jisu Kwon, and Daejin Park*. Low-Power Metamorphic MCU using Partial Firmware Update Method for Irregular Target Systems Control (KCI) Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering, 25(2):301-307, Feb 2021. [DOI] 
[5] Dongkyu Lee, Moon Gi Seok, and Daejin Park*. On-Demand Remote Software Code Execution Unit using On-Chip Flash Memory Cloudification for IoT Environment Acceleration (SCOPUS) Journal of Information Processing Systems, 17(1):191-202, Feb 2021. [DOI] 
[6] Seungmin Lee and Daejin Park*. Efficient Template Cluster Generation for Real-Time Abnormal Beat Detection in Lightweight Embedded ECG Acquisition Devices (SCI) IEEE Access, 9:70596-70605, 2021. [DOI] 
[7] Moon Gi Seok, WENTONG CAI, and Daejin Park*. Hierarchical Aggregation/Disaggregation for Adaptive Abstraction-Level Conversion in Digital Twin-based Smart Semiconductor Manufacturing (SCI) IEEE Access, 9:71145-71158, 2021. [DOI] 
[8] Jisu Kwon, Moon Gi Seok, and Daejin Park*. Low-Power Fast Partial Firmware Update Technique of On-Chip Flash Memory for Reliable Embedded IoT Microcontroller (SCI) IEICE Transactions on Electronics, E104-C(6):226-236, 2021. [DOI] 
[9] Sunghoon Hong and Daejin Park*. Vision-based Real-time Vehicle Detection and Tracking Algorithm for Forward Collision Warning (KCI) Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering, 25(7):962-970, 2021. [DOI] 
[10] Taewon Chong and Daejin Park*. Efficiency Low-Power Signal Processing for Multi-Channel LiDAR Sensor-based Vehicle Detection Platform (KCI) Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering, 25(7):977-985, 2021. [DOI] 
[11] Seungmin Lee and Daejin Park*. Adaptive ECG Signal Compression Method Based on Look-ahead Linear Approximation for Ultra Long-Term Operating of Healthcare IoT Devices (SCI) Human-centric Computing and Information Sciences (HCIS), 11(30):1-15, 2021. [DOI] 
[12] Myeongjin Kang and Daejin Park*. Lightweight Microcontroller with Parallelized ECC-based Code Memory Protection Unit for Robust Instruction Execution in Smart Sensors (SCI) Sensors, 21(16):5508-5525, 2021. [DOI] 
[13] Hyungyun Moon and Daejin Park*. Efficient On-Demand Hardware Replacement Platform toward Metamorphic Functional Processing in Edge-Centric IoT Applications (SCI) Electronics, 10(17):2088-2104, 2021. [DOI] 
[14] Heuijee Yun and Daejin Park*. Virtualization of Self-Driving Algorithms by Interoperating Embedded Controllers on Game Engine for Digital Twining Autonomous Vehicle (SCI) Electronics, 10(17):2102-2115, 2021. [DOI] 
[15] Dongkyu Lee, Seungmin Lee, Sejong Oh, and Daejin Park*. Energy-Efficient FPGA Accelerator with Fidelity-Controllable Sliding-Region Signal Processing Unit for Abnormal ECG Diagnosis on IoT Edge Devices (SCI) IEEE Access, 9:122789-122800, 2021. [DOI] 
[16] Dongkyu Lee and Daejin Park*. Adaptive Processing Algorithm Allocation on OpenCL-based FPGA-GPU Hybrid Layer for Energy-Efficient Reconfigurable Acceleration of Abnormal ECG Diagnosis (KCI) Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering, 25(10):1279-1286, 2021. [DOI] 
[17] Taewon Chong and Daejin Park*. Adaptive Convolution Filter-based 3D Plane Reconstruction for Low-Power LiDAR Sensor Systems (KCI) Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering, 25(10):1416-1426, 2021. [DOI] 
[18] Joonghyun An and Daejin Park*. Fast Adaptation Techniques of Compensation Coefficient of Active Noise Canceller using Binary Search Algorithm (KCI) Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering, 25(11):1635-1641, 2021. [DOI] 
[19] Myeongjin Kang and Daejin Park*. Abnormal System Operation Detection by Comparing QR Code-Encoded Power Consumption Patterns in Software Execution Control Flow (KCI) Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering, 25(11):1581-1587, 2021. [DOI] 
[20] Taewon Chong and Daejin Park*. Semantic Depth Data Transmission Reduction Techniques using Frame-to-Frame Masking Method for Light-weighted LiDAR Signal Processing Platform (KCI) Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering, 25(12):1859-1867, 2021. [DOI] 
[21] Jisu Kwon and Daejin Park*. Hardware/Software Co-design for TinyML Voice-Recognition Application on Resource Frugal Edge Devices (SCI) Applied Sciences, 11(22):11073-11087, 2021. [DOI] 


[1] Jisu Kwon and Daejin Park*. Acceleration of ECC Computation for Robust Massive Data Reception under GPU-based Embedded Systems (KCI) Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering, 24(7):956-962, 2020. [DOI] 
[2] Seongho Cho and Daejin Park*. Electrostatic Coupling Intra-Body Communication Based on FSK Communication and Error Correction (KCI) IEMEK Journal of Embedded Systems and Applications, 15(4):159-166, 2020. [DOI] 
[3] Dongkyu Lee, Hyungyun Moon, Sejong Oh, and Daejin Park*. mIoT: Metamorphic IoT Platform for On-Demand Hardware Replacement in Large-Scale IoT Applications (SCI) Sensors, 20(12):3337-3358, 2020. [DOI] 
[4] Moon Gi Seok, WENTONG CAI, HESSAM S. SARJOUGHIAN, and Daejin Park*. Adaptive Abstraction-Level Conversion Framework for Accelerated Discrete-Event Simulation in Smart Semicondcutor Manufacturing (SCI) IEEE Access, 8:165247-165262, 2020. [DOI] 
[5] Myeongjin Kang and Daejin Park*. High Speed and Robust Processor based on Parallelized Error Correcting Code Module (KCI) Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering, 24(9):1180-1186, 2020. [DOI] 
[6] Sanghoon Lee, Dongkyu Lee, Pyung Choi, and Daejin Park*. Accuracy-Power Controllable LiDAR Sensor System with 3D Object Recognition for Autonomous Vehicle (SCI) Sensors, 20(19):5706-5725, 2020. [DOI] 
[7] Seongho Cho and Daejin Park*. Robust Intra-Body Communication using SHA-ECC-CRC Inversion-based Frequency Shft Keying for Securing Electronic Authentication (SCI) Sensors, 20(21):6056-6073, 2020. [DOI] 
[8] Seungmin Lee and Daejin Park*. Communication-Power Overhead Reduction Method using Template-Based Linear Approximation in Lightweight ECG Measurement Embedded Device (KCI) IEMEK Journal of Embedded Systems and Applications, 15(5):205-214, 2020. [DOI] 
[9] Sanghoon Lee and Daejin Park*. Efficient Power Consumption Technique of LiDAR Sensor for Controlling Detection Accuracy Based on Vehicle Speed (KCI) IEMEK Journal of Embedded Systems and Applications, 15(5):215-225, 2020. [DOI] 
[10] Hyungyun Moon and Daejin Park*. Edge-Centric Metamorphic IoT Processor Platform for Efficient On-Demand Hardware Replacement (KCI) Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering, 24(12):1688-1696, 2020. [DOI] 
[11] Jisu Kwon and Daejin Park*. Velocity and Distance Estimation-based Sensing Data Collection Interval Control Technique for Vehicle Data-Processing Overhead Reduction (KCI) Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering, 24(12):1697-1703, 2020. [DOI] 
[12] Jisu Kwon, Moon Gi Seok, and Daejin Park*. GPU-Based ECC Decode Unit for Efficient Massive Data Reception Acceleration (SCOPUS) Journal of Information Processing Systems, 16(6):1359-1371, 2020. [DOI] 


[1] Yoosoo Jeong, Kil-Heum Park, and Daejin Park*. Homogeneity Patch Search Method for Voting-based Efficient Vehicle Color Classification Using Front-of-Vehicle Image (SCI) Multimedia Tools and Applications, 78:28633-28648, 2019. [DOI] 
[2] Kiho Choi, Daejin Park*, and Jeonghun Cho. SSCFM: Separate Signature-Based Control Flow Error Monitoring for Multi-Threaded and Multi-Core Environments (SCI) Electronics, 8(2):166-185, 2019. [DOI] 
[3] Semyoung Oh, Young-Dam Kim, and Daejin Park*. Optimized Combination of Local Beams for Wireless Sensor Networks (SCI) Sensors, 19(3):633-643, 2019. [DOI] 
[4] Dongkyu Lee, Jeonghun Cho, and Daejin Park*. Cloudification of On-Chip Flash Memory for Connected Instruction Executable IoTs (KCI) IEMEK Journal of Embedded Systems and Applications, 14(2):103-111, 2019. [DOI] 
[5] Jisu Kwon, Jeonghun Cho, and Daejin Park*. Efficient Flash Memory Access Power Reduction Techniques for IoT-Driven Rare-Event Logging Application (KCI) IEMEK Journal of Embedded Systems and Applications, 14(2):87-96, 2019. [DOI] 
[6] Juneseo Chang, Boguk Kim, Changil Mun, Dokyun Lee, Junho Kwak, Daejin Park*, and Yoosoo Jeong. Efficient Hyperplane Generation Techniques for Human Activity Classification in Multiple-Event Sensors based Smart Home (KCI) IEMEK Journal of Embedded Systems and Applications, 14(5):277-286, 2019. [DOI] 
[7] S. Lee, Y. Jeong, J. Kwak, D. Park*, and K. H. Park. Advanced Real-Time Dynamic Programming in the Polygonal Approximation of ECG Signals for a Lightweight Embedded Device (SCI) IEEE Access, 7:162850-162861, 2019. [DOI] 
[8] M. G. Seok, H. S. Sarjoughian, C. Choi, and D. Park*. Fast and Cycle-Accurate Simulation of RTL NoC Designs Using Test-Driven Cellular Automata (SCI) IEEE Access, 8:2670-2686, 2019. [DOI] 


[1] Seongseop Kim, Jeonghun Cho, and Daejin Park*. Accelerated DEVS Simulation Using Collaborative Computation on Multi-Cores and GPUs for Fire-Spreading IoT Sensing Applications (SCI) Applied Sciences, 8(9):1-17, 2018. [DOI] 
[2] Yoosoo Jeong, Seungmin Lee, Daejin Park*, and Kil Houm Park. Accurate Age Estimation Using Multi-Task Siamese Network-Based Deep Metric Learning for Frontal Face Images (SCI) Symmetry, 10(9):1-15, 2018. [DOI] 
[3] Yongtae Kim, Jeonghun Cho, and Daejin Park*. Collaborative Software Integrity Verification using Bit Inversion Error Checking Codes in Crowd-Coupled IoT Applications (SCOPUS) International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology (IJCIET), 9(7):190-197, 2018. [DOI] 
[4] Yongtae Kim, Jeonghun Cho, and Daejin Park*. Human Activity Profile Tracking using Static Analysis of Binary Code Access Patterns for Freeze-Safe IoT Systems (SCOPUS) International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology (IJMET), 9(7):852-858, 2018. [DOI] 
[5] Yongtae Kim, Jeonghun Cho, and Daejin Park*. Human-Interactive IoT Microcontroller with Silent Background-Mode CRC Protection Unit for Runtime Code Memory Integrity Verification (SCOPUS) International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology (IJMET), 9(10):149-156, 2018. [DOI] 
[6] Seungmin Lee, Yoosoo Jeong, Daejin Park*, Byoung-Ju Yun, and Kil Houm Park. Efficient Fiducial Point Detection of ECG QRS Complex Based on Polygonal Approximation (SCI) Sensors, 18(12):4502-4517, 2018. [DOI] 
[7] Kiho Choi, Jeonghun Cho, and Daejin Park*. Separate Signature Monitoring for Control Flow Error Detection (KCI) Journal of IEMEK, 13(5):225-234, Oct 2018. [DOI] 
[8] Hyun-Gyun Moon, Jeonghun Cho, and Daejin Park*. Large-Scale Construction of Freeze-Safe IoT-Driven Applications using Collaborative Power Profile Tracking (KCI) Journal of KICS, 43(9):1501-1508, Sep 2018. [DOI] 
[9] Seongseop Kim, Jeonghun Cho, and Daejin Park*. Accelerated Large-Scale Simulation on DEVS based Hybrid Systemusing Collaborative Computation on Multi-Cores and GPUs (KCI) Journal of the Korea Society for Simulation), 27(3):1-11, Sep 2018. [DOI] 


[1] M.G. Seok, T.G. Kim, C.B. Choi, and D. Park*. An HLA-Based Distributed Cosimulation Framework in Mixed-Signal System-on-Chip Design (SCI) IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) Systems, 25(2):760-764, 2017. [DOI] 
[2] Y. Jeong, D. Park*, and K.H. Park. PTZ Camera-Based Displacement Sensor System with Perspective Distortion Correction Unit for Early Detection of Building Destruction (SCI) Sensors (Switzerland), 17(3):1-16, 2017. [DOI] 
[3] M.G. Seok, T.G. Kim, and D. Park*. An HLA-Based Formal Co-Simulation Approach for Rapid Prototyping of Heterogeneous Mixed-Signal SoCs (SCI) IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences, E100A(7):1374-1383, 2017. [DOI] 
[4] K. Han, D. Park*, and J. Cho. An FDS Algorithm for Synthesis of Autosar Architecture (SCOPUS) Advanced Science Letters, 23(3):1608-1612, 2017. [DOI] 
[5] S. Lee, D. Park*, and K. H. Park. QRS Complex Detection Based on Primitive (SCI) Journal of Communications and Networks, 19(5):442-450, 2017. [DOI] 
[6] M.G. Seok, T.G. Kim, and D. Park*. Parallel Simulation-Assisted On-Chip Glitch Filter Placement for Safe Microcontroller in Noisy Environment (SCOPUS) Advanced Science Letters, 23(3):1547-1551, 2017. [DOI] 
[7] M. Di Youn, J. Youn, J. Cho, and D. Park*. MCU-Based Battery Management System for Fast Charging of IoT-Based Large-Scale Battery-Cells (SCOPUS) International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, 12(7):1329-1333, 2017. [DOI] 
[8] Kiho Choi, Seongseop Kim, Jeonghun Cho, and Daejin Park*. Maximum Stack Memory Usage Estimation Through Target Binary File Analysis in Microcontroller Environment (KCI) IEMEK Journal of Embedded Systems and Applications, 12(3):159-167, June 2017. [DOI] 
[9] S. Kim, G. Choi, S. Lee, J. Cho, and D. Park*. Event-Detection Microcontroller using Interoperation-Based Acoustic Surface Sensing for Individualized Things-Human Interaction (SCOPUS) International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, 12(12):3546-3552, 2017. [DOI] 
[10] Seongseop Kim, Kiho Choi, Jeonghun Cho, and Daejin Park*. Low-Power Things-Server Interaction Technique using Individualized Acoustic Touch Event Recognition (KCI) Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences, 49(09):1832-1842, June 2017. [DOI] 
[11] D. Park*, M. Jung, and J. Cho. Area Efficient Remote Code Execution Platform with On-Demand Instruction Manager for Cloud-Connected Code Executable IoT Devices (SCI) Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory, 77:379-389, 2017. [DOI] 
[12] Seongseop Kim, Jeonghun Cho, and Daejin Park*. GPU-based Acceleration of Particle Filter Signal Processing for Efficient Moving-Target Position Estimation (KCI) IEMEK Journal of Embedded Systems and Applications, 12(5):267-275, Oct 2017. [DOI] 
[13] Dongkyu Lee, Jeonghun Cho, and Daejin Park*. Processing-based IoT Visualization for Fast Development of Safe, Collision-Free Autonomous Driving (SCOPUS) International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, 12(16):6318-6322, 2017. [DOI] 
[14] Hyeonjae Shin, Jeonghun Cho, and Daejin Park*. Automated Validation Framework using On-Chip Event-Driven Debugger for Safe Code Execution Control Flow (SCOPUS) International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, 12(16):6164-6169, 2017. [DOI] 
[15] Hyeonjae Shin, Jeonghun Cho, and Daejin Park*. Safe Microcontroller with Silent Hooking-Unit of Runtime Bus Transition for Code Memory Integrity Verification (SCOPUS) International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, 12(16):6211-6217, 2017. [DOI] 
[16] H. Shin, Jeonghun Cho, and Daejin Park*. Microcontroller Code Protection Technique based on Simulated-Hot-spot Analysis of Instruction Access Pattern (SCOPUS) International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, 12(21):10719-10723, 2017. [DOI] 
[17] Seongseop Kim, Jeonghun Cho, and Daejin Park*. Moving-Target Position Estimation Using GPU-Based Particle Filter for IoT Sensing Applications (SCI) Applied Sciences, 7(11):1-14, 2017. [DOI] 


[1] Jiae Youn, Joonghyun An, Meng Di Yin, and Daejin Park*. Safe Adaptive Headlight Controller with Symmetric Angle Sensor Compensator using Steering-Swivel Angle Lookup Table (KCI) Transactions of the Korean Society of Automotive Engineers, 24(1):112-121, Jan 2016. [DOI] 
[2] Jiae Youn, Men Di Yin, Jeonghun Cho, and Daejin Park*. Embedded ECU Emulation Platform for Safe Adaptive Front-Light System Control Algorithm Development (SCOPUS) MATEC Web of Conferences, 54:04002, 2016. [DOI] 
[3] S. Lee, B.G. Kang, T.G. Kim, J. Cho, and D. Park*. Interoperation of Distributed MCU Emulator/Simulator for Operating Power Simulation of Large-Scale Internet of Event-Driven Control Things (SCOPUS) Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, 368:75-82, 2016. [DOI] 
[4] Daejin Park*. Low-Power Code Memory Integrity Verification Using Background Cyclic Redundancy Check Calculator Based on Binary Code Inversion Method (SCI) Journal of Circuits, Systems and Computers, 25(07):1650068, 2016. [DOI] 
[5] D. Park*, M. Yin, S. Kwak, and J. Cho. Fast Battery Charger MCU with Adaptive PWM Controller using Runtime Tracking of Polarization Curve (SCI) IEICE Electronics Express, 13(8):20160131-20160131, 2016. [DOI] 
[6] M. Di Yin, J. Cho, and D. Park*. Pulse-Based Fast Battery IoT Charger using Dynamic Frequency and Duty Control Techniques Based on Multi-Sensing of Polarization Curve (SCI) Energies, 9(3):1-20, 2016. [DOI] 
[7] Daejin Park*. Low-Power IoT Microcontroller Code Memory Interface using Binary Code Inversion Technique based on Hot-Spot Access Region Detection (KCI) Journal of IEMEK, 11(2):97-105, April 2016. [DOI] 
[8] M.G. Seok, T.G. Kim, C. Choi, and D. Park*. A Scalable Modeling and Simulation Environment for Chemical Gas Emergencies (SCI) Computing in Science and Engineering, 18(4):25-33, 2016. [DOI] 
[9] Daejin Park*. Area-Efficient IoT MCU With Remote Code Execution Layer for Cloud-Connected Code Executable Things (SCI) IEICE Electronics Express, 13(12):20160449-20160449, 2016. [DOI] 
[10] Joonghyun An, Moon Gi Seok, and Daejin Park*. Automatic On-Chip Backup Clock Changer for Protecting Abnormal MCU Operations in Unsafe Clock Frequency (SCI) IEICE Electronics Express, 13(24):20160808-20160808, 2016. [DOI] 
[11] M.G. Seok, B.G. Kang, and D. Park*. Event-Driven Sensor/Actuator Microcontroller using Neural Network-Based Parameter Reconfiguration Method for Unknown Plant-Model Control Applications (SCOPUS) International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, 11(17):9172-9179, 2016. [DOI] 
[12] Jiae Youn, Jeonghun Cho, and Daejin Park*. Safe Adaptive Front-Light Microcontroller with Symmetric Angle Compensator for Abnormal Steering-Swivel Angle Protection (SCOPUS) International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, 11(18):9638-9643, 2016. [DOI] 
[13] Moon Gi Seok, Tag Gon Kim, and Daejin Park*. Design and Implementation of a Multi-level Simulation Environment for WSN : Interoperation between an FPGA-based Sensor Node and a NS3 (KCI) Journal of the Korea Society for Simulation, 25(4):43-52, 2016. [DOI] 


[1] D. Park*, J.M. Youn, and J. Cho. A Low-Power Microcontroller with Accuracy-Controlled Event-Driven Signal Processing Unit for Rare-Event Activity-Sensing IoT Devices (SCI) Journal of Sensors, 2015:1-10, 2015. [DOI] 
[2] Sanghyun Lee, Jeonghun Cho, Tag Gon Kim, and Daejin Park*. Things-Touch System and Matlab/Simulink Interoperation Environment based on Acoustic Event Sensing for Individualized Things-Human Interaction (KCI) Journal of IEMEK, 10(4):189-198, Aug 2015. [DOI] 
[3] D. Park* and J. Cho. Low-Power universal Edge Tracer Architecture Using Accuracy-Controlled Resource Reallocation for Event-Driven Sensing Applications (SCOPUS) Procedia Computer Science, 56(1):67-73, 2015. [DOI] 
[4] Jiae Youn, Meng Di Yin, Joonghyun An, Jeonghun Cho, and Daejin Park*. Safe Adaptive Headlight Controller with Symmetric Angle Sensor Compensator for Functional Safety Requirement (KCI) Journal of IEMEK, 10(5):297-305, Oct 2015. [DOI] 
[5] Joonghyun, Jiae Youn, Jeonghun Cho, and Daejin Park*. Automatic On-Chip Glitch-Free Backup Clock Changing Method for MCU Clock Failure Protection in Unsafe I/O Pin Noisy Environment (KCI) Journal of the Institute of Electronics and Information Engineers, 52(12):99-108, Dec 2015. [DOI] 
[6] D. Park* and J. Cho. A Low-Power Sensor Processor with a Approximation-Based Fractional Wakeup Timer for Long-Term Sleep of Wearable Sensor Devices (SCOPUS) International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, 10(18):38664-38670, 2015. [DOI] 
[7] D. Park*. Recursive Synthesis Framework of On-Chipmask ROM Circuits for Scrambled Mask Pattern Generation of Binary Code (SCOPUS) International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, 10(18):38960-38966, 2015. [DOI] 
[8] D. Park* and J. Cho. Safe Microcontroller with Code Block Fingerprint Analysis Accelerator for Embedded-Software Integrity Verification (SCOPUS) Information (Japan), 18(12):5027-5036, 2015. [DOI] 
[9] D. Park* and J. Cho. Fab-in-the-Loop Verification Method Using On-Chip Virtual Clock Management Unit and Built-In Test Vector Generation Unit for Fast IC-Level Test of Sensor-Integrated System-on-Chip (SCOPUS) Information (Japan), 18(12):5037-5044, 2015. [DOI] 


[1] Daejin Park* and Tag Gon Kim. Built-In Binary Code Inversion Technique for On-Chip Flash Memory Sense Amplifier With Reduced Read Current Consumption (SCI) IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) Systems, 22(5):1187-1191, May 2014. [DOI] 
[2] D. Park* and J. Cho. Accuracy-Energy Configurable Sensor Processor and IoT Device For Long-Term Activity Monitoring in Rare-Event Sensing applications (SCI) The Scientific World Journal, 2014:546563, 2014. [DOI] 
[3] Daejin Park*, Tag Gon Kim, and Jeonghun Cho. A Low-Power Time-Synchronization Processor With Symmetric Even/Odd Timer for Charge-Shared LCD Driving of 3DTV Active Shutter Glasses (SCI) Journal of Display Technology, 10(12):1047-1054, Dec 2014. [DOI] 


[1] Daejin Park*, Chang Min Kim, Sungho Kwak, and Tag Gon Kim. A Low-Power Fractional-Order Synchronizer for Syncless Time-Sequential Synchronization of 3-D TV Active Shutter Glasses (SCI) IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, 23(2):364-369, Feb 2013. [DOI]