
Lab History (11h Years Since Lab Foundation)

D. Park 

Active Members

D. Park 


D. Park 

For Prospective Applicants

  • Open Position in SoC/Circuit Design Team by Industrial Collaboration Program

  • Open Industrial Internship Program in domestic/international IT company

  • Open Visiting Scholar Position by International Academia Collaboration Program

Support and Benefit for Active Members

  • Top Class Financial Support in Korea (60,000,000 Won per year per student)

  • Fully Free Research Activity with No Tax, No Duty-Labor, Only Requiring for Becoming Best Expert in SoC Field

  • Internship program with collaboration with Researchers in ETRI, ADD, KETI, Samsung, LG, Hanhwa, LIGNex1

  • Visiting Scholar coworking with international researchers in USA

SW-Embedded S2oftware-on-Chip Expert Training Center

Our lab focuses on training highly in-depth expert AI-Software-Embedded VLSI S2oftware-on-Chip Designers, teaching the following all stages to realize the AI-stacked System-Software-on-chip for various mission-critical embedded system design, especially capable of

  • Optimizing On-chip Embedded AI Software Stack.

  • Designing Tightly-coupled On-chip AI Hardware Accelerator.

  • Implementing full stack AI-Embedded system-software-on-chip integrated on CMOS silicon die.

D. Park 


  • 2024-09 Mr. S. H. Parks paper was accepted to IEEE Access. (his 3rd SCI Journal, just M.S. 2 year)

  • 2024-09 Mr. M. J. Kim's paper was accepted to Top Flagship Conf. IEEE Dependable Secure Computing (DSC 2024), with On-Chip Embedded SW Encryption Techniques

  • 2024-08 Mr. S. H. Park, S. H. Hong, M. J. Kim will visit Internation Conference IEEE EMSOFT 2024 in USA and present technical research results of our lab.

  • 2004-08 Ms. H. J. Youn participated Internation Conference IEEE ISLPED 2024 in USA (All students has a chance to visit USA or Europe per year)

  • 2024-08 Mr. J. H. Lee, C. H. Hwang, and H. S. Kim are with us as Undergraduate Intern Students.

  • 2024-08 Mr. G. H. Jeon, H. J. Lee, and J. H. Park are with us as Master Graduate Students.

  • 2024-07 Congratulation !! Ph.D Student Mr. S. H. Hong's work was accepted to IEEE International Conference on Embeeded Software (EMSOFT 2024) (Top Flagship Conf. on Embedded S/W Field).

  • 2024-06 Congratulation !! Ph.D Student Mr. S. H. Hong's Journal Paper (Embedded AI-Edge Systems for Autonomous Vehicles) was accepted to IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems (JCR 2% Top SCI Journal)

  • 2024-05 Congratulation !! Our lab got a research grant Future Automotive Convergence Software Engineer Training Center from MOTIE.

  • 2024-04 Congratulation !! We successfully established system-software-on-chip full stack framework with ultra low-power and small size embedded software by Tile-SoC silicon die fabrication.

  • 2024-04 Congratulation !! Mr. M. J. Kang and Mr. M. J. Kim's two papers was accepted to 48th IEEE International Conference on Computers, Software, and Applications (COMPSAC 2024). The first round evaluation result has only 24% acceptance ratio, Mr. M. J. Kim's paper is only 3% paper scored again in the second round.

  • 2024-04 Congratulation !! Ph.D Student Ms. Youn received KNU Ph.D Fellow Excellence Award Scholarship (10,000,000 Won)

  • 2024-04 Congratulation !! Mr. H. J. Lee and Y. W. Jeon (Undergraduate Student)'s paper was accepted to IEEE Vehicular Networking Conference 2024.

  • 2024-04 Congratulation !! We got a chance to design our Custom-Designed AI-Chips using CMOS LPP 28nm process.

  • 2024-04 We appreciate Educational Research Tool Donation with World Wide No.1 Debugger - Power Debug Framework provided from MDS Tech Korea.

  • 2024-04 Congratulation !! We received a Research Grant for Future Automotive Convergence Software Expert Fostering Center.

  • 2024-03 Welcome !! Alumni Yohan Lee (Apple Researcher, USA) visited to present in-depth advises in the future technology for our lab members.

  • 2024-03 Welcome !! Alumni Peter (ARM Researcher, Hungary) visited to present system-on-chip architectural insight for our lab members.

  • 2024-03 Congratulation !! Mr. S. H. Park's paper was accepted to IEEE COOLChips 2024 as Regular Oral Presentation Paper with CNN Accelerator with Custom-Designed Booth Multiplier.

  • 2024-02 Congratulation !! Prof. S. M. Lee's paper was accepted to IET Electronics Letters (SCIE) Journal.

  • 2024-02 Congratulation !! Mr H. J. Lee is with our Lab as one of Prospective Graduate Student Candidates.

  • 2024-02 Congratulation !! Dr. S. M. Lee is now with School of Electronics Engineering in Kyungpook National University as KNU-EE Funded Professor

  • 2024-01 Ms. Youn's paper was accepted in Top-Tier Conference Pervehicle Workshop of IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications (PerCom 2024), with Deep Learning-based Safe Automotive Guided-Driving.

  • 2024-01 Dr. Dongkyu Lee will be with Korea Electronics Technology Institute (KETI), and Dr. Yoosoo Jeong is now with Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI), and Dr. Oh will be with Agency for Defense Development (ADD) and Mr. Dongkyu Jung is now with Samsung Electronics.

  • 2024-01 New 4 graduate students (M.J.Kim, G.H.Jeon, B.I.Jeong, J.I.Byeon) will join our lab. Welcome !! to Our Lab.

  • 2024-01 Congratulation !! Dr. D. K. Lee successfully defended his final Ph.D dissertation test and Mr. D. K. Jung also passed his M.S dissertation defense

Sponsored Active Research Grants

Our research group has been sponsored from the national research fund (NRF), research institutes and various industrial companies. Welcome to contact us about the technology transfer, technical consulting, and discussion for future collaboration.

  • Future Automotive Convergence Software Engineer Training Center, 2024-2028, MOTIE

  • Self Supervised Learnable Flexible AI-Edge Processors, 2023-2026, IITP, MSICT

  • AI Grand ICT Research Center, 2022-2029, IITP, MSICT

  • Streamable AI Microservice Runtime for Edge-Serverless Metaverse Infrastructure, 2022-2025, NRF, ME

  • AI Processing-in-Memory (PIM) Semiconductor Design Research Center, 2022-2028, IITP, MSICT.

  • Intensive School on Embedded System Software for Hyundai Motor Group, 2022-2024, HNGV.

  • Multidisciplinary Research Training and Development Enterprise for AI and Semiconductor Technology, 2022-2025, SNU.

  • Metamorphic Unstructured Validation/Verification for Analyzing Binary Code, 2021-2024, IITP, MSICT.

  • Self-Organized Community Computing Platform for Resilient Environment, 2018-2027, NRF, ME.

  • BK21 Four Project in School of Electronic and Electrical Engineering, KNU, 2020-2028, NRF, ME.

  • IC Design Education Center (IDEC) EDA Software Tool License Support, 2016-2023, IDEC.

Supported By



80 Daehak-ro, Buk-gu,
School of Electronics Engineering, Kyungpook National University (KNU)
IT-1 Building, no.719, Tel. 053-950-5548
Daegu, South Korea, 41566
Email: boltanut at
Office Hours: pre contact
